RxJS Debounce with priority

You have to store and update the item with the highest priority and map to this highest value which you then pass to debounceTime.

let highest = null;
  map(v => highest = highest && highest.priority > v.priority ? highest : v),
  tap(() => highest = null)

You can create your own operator that does this with the help of defer. defer makes sure that every subscriber gets its own highest variable, as every subscriber will get its own new Observable created by calling the given factory function.

function debounceTimeHighest<T>(dueTime: number, getHighest: (curr: T, high: T) => T): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
  return (source: Observable<T>) => defer(() => {
    let highest: T = null;
    return source.pipe(
      map(item => highest = highest ? getHighest(item, highest) : item),
      tap(() => highest = null)

// Usage
  debounceTimeHighest(2000, (v1, v2) => v1.priority >= v2.priority ? v1 : v2)

The code above is Typescript. If you want plain Javascript just remove all the types.


You can combine the debounceTime and buffer and filter operator to achieve what you need. I have developed this small example for it.


Collect clicks that occur, after 250ms emit array of clicks
  // if array is greater than 1, double click occured
  map((clickArray) => {
    document.querySelector('#emittedObjects').innerHTML = (`<div>${JSON.stringify(clickArray)}</div>`); 
    const sortedArray = clickArray.sort((a, b) => {
      return a.priority < b.priority ? 1 : -1;

    const output = sortedArray.length > 0 ? sortedArray[0] : null;
    document.querySelector('#mappedOutput').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(output);
    return output;
.subscribe((obj) => {
  const str = obj ? JSON.stringify(obj) : 'NULL';
  document.querySelector('#throttledOutput').innerHTML = `<div>THROTTLED: ${str}</div>`;

I'll offer the following solution, based around using scan to offer up the highest given priority emission so far for consideration by debounceTime(). Note that scan needs to reconsider new data after every successful debounce, so I use the operator window() to split up the emissions, starting a new observable window after every emission by debounceTime().

Here is the CodeSandbox

And here is some simplified code from the CodeSandbox showing the important bits:

const resetScan$ = new Subject();

  mergeMap(win$ => win$.pipe(
    scan((acc, cur) => acc.priority >= cur.priority ? acc : cur )
  tap(() => resetScan$.next())