Rails 6 ActionText isn't working on Heroku (undefined method 'rich_text_area_tag')

I found this online, and it was helpful for me:


I am not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it's a temporary workaround.


In application_controller.rb enter the following:

require 'action_text'

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  helper ActionText::Engine.helpers


Docs for helper: https://apidock.com/rails/AbstractController/Helpers/ClassMethods/helper

First of all make sure that you have this line in config/application.rb:

require 'rails/all'

If it's a rails 6 app action_text/engine should be loaded.

If it doesn't it's possible taht zeitwerk is not loaded. This happens when you have a rails 5.2 app that was updated to rails 6.

In the same file (config/application.rb) you have to change config.load_defaults to 6.0:

config.load_defaults 6.0

If you want to know what happens in the background take a look at this link on line 125.