Role of "kauditd_printk_skb" in linux kernel

I saw the same thing when I was playing around with dmesg. Documentation is sparse, but I managed to find this webpage that suggests it's not an issue. Evidently is just means that the kernel is rate limiting messages.

Linux uses this mechanism to throttle the spamming of log events, decreasing the likelihood of a denial-of-service attack.

You can find tune this feature by amending two settings net.core.message_burst and net.core.message_cost.

These parameters are used to limit the warning messages written to the kernel log from the networking code. They enforce a rate limit to make a denial-of-service attack impossible. A higher message_cost factor, results in fewer messages that will be written. Message_burst controls when messages will be dropped. The default settings limit warning messages to one every five seconds.

To check their current values use:

sudo sysctl -a | grep net.core.message_

To amend them:

sysctl -w net.core.message_cost=0

Please note that disabling this mechanism is not recommend in production environments.

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