How do I show the "up" and "down" arrow keyboard key in GitHub markdown?

Another way is to use Emojis.

  • :arrow_up: U+2B06

  • :arrow_down: U+2B07

  • :arrow_left: U+2B05

  • :arrow_right: U+27A1

There are some art of Unicode, for example :arrow_double_up: :arrow_upper_left: :arrow_up_down:.

You can use unicode arrows. It works nicely everywhere (it has worked in all markdown readers I have tried).

Here is a sample. Simple: copy and paste the ones you like in your text! :
← → ↑ ↓
↔ ↕
↖ ↗ ↘ ↙
⤡ ⤢
↚ ↛ ↮
⟵ ⟶ ⟷
⇦ ⇨ ⇧ ⇩
⬄ ⇳
⬁ ⬀ ⬂ ⬃
⬅ ⮕ ➡ ⬆ ⬇
⬉ ⬈ ⬊ ⬋
⬌ ⬍
🡐 🡒 🡑 🡓
🡔 🡕 🡖 🡗
🡘 🡙
⭠ ⭢ ⭡ ⭣
⭤ ⭥
⭦ ⭧ ⭨ ⭩
🠀 🠂 🠁 🠃
🠄 🠆 🠅 🠇
🠈 🠊 🠉 🠋
🠠 🠢 🠡 🠣
🠤 🠦 🠥 🠧
🠨 🠪 🠩 🠫
🠬 🠮 🠭 🠯
🠰 🠲 🠱 🠳

(other unicode arraws)

As mentioned in "Unicode in Github markdown", you need to use the decimal value of the characters you want.

In your case, the arrow symbols, as shown here:

  • left arrow: ← ←
  • upward arrow: ↑ ↑
  • right arrow: → →
  • downward arrow: ↓ ↓

You can also use &uarr;↑, &darr;↓, &larr;←, &rarr;→ to create the arrows. The first letter is the direction of the arrow. Also &harr;↔ gives you a double headed arrow (right/left) So you could do <kbd>&uarr;</kbd>