Right place for putting mp3 files in an android project

The best place to put such .mp3 or any other files would be in the assets folder.

These files once stored will become a part of your android app itself and can be read easily. This tutorial describes it well.

 AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openFd("AudioFile.mp3");
 MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer();

Alternatively you can also store it in the raw folder and read it directly by specifying the path as the raw folder. this can be played as:

int resID=getResources().getIdentifier(fname, "raw", getPackageName());
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer=MediaPlayer.create(this,resID);

Here are some steps you can easily follow.

  1. Open the android studio with the project in which you want to add-on audio clip/media file.

  2. Create a raw folder in the resources folder.

  3. Add media file to the raw folder by simply copy and paste that to the raw folder.

  4. Here we added a media file “ring.mp3”. Now open the Java File of the desired activity, here we are adding the audio in the MainActivity.

  5. Further add this code.

    MediaPlayer ring = MediaPlayer.create(MainActivity.this, R.raw.ring); ring.start();

  6. Now run the App and your music will play when App starts


