How to handle change text of span

You could use the function that changes the text of span1 to change the text of the others.

As a work around, if you really want it to have a change event, then don't asign text to span 1. Instead asign an input variable in jQuery, write a change event to it, and whever ur changing the text of span1 .. instead change the value of your input variable, thus firing change event, like so:

var spanChange = $("<input />");
function someFuncToCalculateAndSetTextForSpan1() {
    //  do work

$(function() {
    spanChange.change(function(e) {
        var $val = $(this).val(),
            $newVal = some*calc-$val;

Though I really feel this "work-around", while useful in some aspects of creating a simple change event, is very overextended, and you'd best be making the changes to other spans at the same time you change span1.

Span does not have 'change' event by default. But you can add this event manually.

Listen to the change event of span.

     //Do calculation and change value of other span2,span3 here
     $("#span2").text('calculated value');

And wherever you change the text in span1. Trigger the change event manually.
