right alignment for a button in ion-col

The accepted solution didnt work for me. I think it is relevant to ionic v3 and not the current. I solved my problem like this:


<div class="test">
    <ion-button>My button</ion-button>


.test {
    float: right;

I'm using ionic 6.18.2 where this works for me:

<ion-button class="ion-float-right">Button Text</ion-button>

In your case you can add the attribute float-right like so:

<button ion-button float-right>My button</button>

The documentation says you can add the attribute float-{modifier} to position an element inside its container.

{modifier} can be any of the following:
right: The element will float on the right side of its container.
left: The element will float on the left side of its container.
start: The same as float-left if direction is left-to-right and float-right if direction is right-to-left.
end: The same as float-right if direction is left-to-right and float-left if direction is right-to-left.


    <button ion-button float-right>My button</button>

To position an element inside an ion-item the documentation says you can use item-{modifier}.

Where {modifier} can be any of the following:
start: Placed to the left of all other elements, outside of the inner item.
end: Placed to the right of all other elements, inside of the inner item, outside of the input wrapper.
content: Placed to the right of any ion-label, inside of the input wrapper.


    <button ion-button item-end>My button</button>

According to the documentation these names are deprecated:

item-right & item-left

The new names are :

  • item-start & item-end
  • padding-start & padding-end
  • margin-start & margin-end
  • text-start & text-end
  • start and end for FABs