Reshaping a multiindex pandas dataframe

Let's use stack, swaplevel and sort_index:



METRIC           a   b   c   d
I   2015-08-01   0   1   2   3
    2015-08-02   4   5   6   7
    2015-08-03   8   9  10  11
II  2015-08-01  20  21  22  23
    2015-08-02  24  25  26  27
    2015-08-03  28  29  30  31
III 2015-08-01  40  41  42  43
    2015-08-02  44  45  46  47
    2015-08-03  48  49  50  51

You can let transpose or T do some of the work for you.


METRIC           a   b   c   d
I   2015-08-01   0   1   2   3
    2015-08-02   4   5   6   7
    2015-08-03   8   9  10  11
II  2015-08-01  20  21  22  23
    2015-08-02  24  25  26  27
    2015-08-03  28  29  30  31
III 2015-08-01  40  41  42  43
    2015-08-02  44  45  46  47
    2015-08-03  48  49  50  51