requestAnimationFrame is being called only once

The purpose of requestAnimationFrame is not to do animations, its purpose is to call the function provided on the next frame so basically we are calling the same function on each frame.



const clock = new THREE.Clock();
const tick = () => {
  const elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()
  cube1.rotation.y = elapsedTime * Math.PI * 1;
  renderer.render(scene, camera);

// Call at least once to perform requestanimationframe


The problem is that you are not calling your requestAnimationFrame correctly. You are not passing it the render function directly, but instead a lambda function that returns the render function.

Change the line requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render); to requestAnimationFrame(this.render);


When using ES2015 classes like you are, it is important to remember that class methods are functions that are declared as object properties. The context (this) will be the object that the method is attached to. So when passing the method to the requestAnimationFrame(...) method, it will no longer be called with the same object reference. Because of this, we need to bind the context of the render method before passing it to the requestAnimationFrame(...):


This is expained well in this blog post. (don't mind that it is focused on React, the principles and examples are ES2015 specific).