Integrate LLVM Clang 4.x.x / 5.x.x / 6.x.x into Visual Studio 2017

It requires some msbuild targets that only ship with the C++ v140 toolset, and VS 2017 only installs the v141 toolset by default. If you open the VS 2017 installer, find the checkbox for the v140 toolset and install that then the right C++ msbuild targets will be available and the thing will work.

Finally, I found a brilliant GitHub repo with the required MSBuild platform toolsets which integrates LLVM clang 5.0.0 into Visual Studio 2017. After following the instructions of the README file, you will have two new platform toolsets LLVM-vs2017 and LLVM-vs2017_xp. Problem solved.


I made a fork which is updated for LLVM 6.0.0 and provides better integration by providing include and library paths of LLVM/clang.

Thanks to Royi, who realized that the original .prop files are explicitly tailored for LLVM 5.0 and it misses adding the proper lib ( $(LLVMInstallDir)\lib) and include ($(LLVMInstallDir)\lib\clang\6.0.0\include) folders.

The LLVM project now explicitly supports Visual Studio 2017 via