Render "Digital Clock Style" Numbers


Not really a language suitable for golfing... but regardless, I tried to keep the code size as small as I could — quite a different challenge than in “usual” languages. This is 1555 characters or 3110 bytes (if encoded as UTF-16; UTF-8 is larger).

Here’s a screenshot of the program running. It really works :)

Since this looks ugly in StackExchange due to the extra line spacing, consider running the following code in your browser’s JavaScript console to fix that: $('pre').css('line-height',1)

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It could probably be smaller if I hadn’t made a mistake due to which the output was back to front; I fixed that by adding an extra function to reverse the input. Otherwise I would probably have to rewrite all of it.

I also made another mistake (swapping the operands in two calls to ) which made it necessary to declare the extra function, but this one is so small it fits inside the main function and thus doesn’t add any characters!

wxpython, many characters

import wx, wx.gizmos as g

class T(wx.Frame):
 def __init__(_):
  wx.Frame.__init__(_, None, size = (800, 60))
  l = g.LEDNumberCtrl(_, -1)
  l.Value = raw_input()

class M(wx.App):
 def OnInit(_):
  return 1



echo -n 81 | python

enter image description here

ps: not a serious entry, but looks like graphical output is also acceptable, so I just gave it a try :-)

J, 90, 78 68 chars

[ update: using unicode (1 byte) encoding:

,./(10 3 3$((90$3)#:256#.24x-~3&u:'%ė¨ÔW/~º»sy¡ăì<t÷²'){' _|'){~"./.Y
NB. utf characters are: 37 279 168 212 87 47 126 186 187 115 121 161 259 236 60 116 247 178

works as before: ]

,./(10 3 3$((90$3)#:1219424106940570763878862820444729939648410x){' _|'){~"./. '58321'
 _  _  _  _    
|_ |_| _| _|  |
 _||_| _||_   |

The key is in the encoding of digits as base-3 integers. Zero, for example is:

| |

or ' _ | ||_|', which becomes 0102022123 = 2750.