Remove navigation bar on Xamarin Forms app with Caliburn.Micro

If you are using a Shell, (if you chose any of Visual Studios three Templates when first creating your project, you probably are) NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="False" won't work. Try adding this line of code to each of your ContentPages


I have not used Caliburn.Micro, but I am assuming that it is wrapping your page with a NavigationPage, as what you describe is what would happen if so.

You should be able to hide that navigation bar by setting a simple attribute in your page like so:

<ContentPage NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="false"
    ..... >

If you are not using XAML pages and doing all of your UI in code instead, then you can do it this way within your page constructor:

NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);