Remove fancyhdr chapter 0 header

Change the \fancyhead[L]{...} to

  % thank egreg for his help in comment
  \ifnum\value{chapter}=0\else\chaptername\ \thechapter\ --\ \fi\leftmark

and add


after \chapter*{Introduction} help.

With this change,

  • the second page of unnumbered chapter "Introduction" will have its left header showing "Introduction", and
  • the second page of table of contents will have its left header showing "CONTENTS".

A full example



  % thank egreg for his help in comment
  \ifnum\value{chapter}=0\else\chaptername\ \thechapter\ --\ \fi\leftmark



More text

\chapter{The first chapter}


I'd use a different approach, namely to set the header in \chaptermark.



\fancyhead{} % clear the headers
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter\ -- #1}{}}





More text

\chapter{The first chapter}

More text

% check the header of a possible second page in the TOC


The \nouppercase is needed because report adds \MakeUppercase to the arguments to \markboth for special chapters such as the TOC, the lists of figures and tables and the bibliography.

I introduced a \uchapter command to avoid heavy code in the document body.