Copy Point From Tikz to Tkz

You can always extract the coordinates of a point and use them. This can be used to define a macro that "copies" TikZ points to tkz. (Note that this version of the macro assumes you did not customize the coordinates, i.e. you didn't redefine x nor y.)

\newcommand{\CopyPointToTkz}[2]{\path (#1);
    \node at (A){A};
    \draw[name path=line1] (A) -- (4,2);
    \draw[name path=line2] (2,0) -- (2,4);
    \fill[name intersections={of=line1 and line2, by={B}}] (B) circle (2pt);
    \node at (CopyOfB){B};

enter image description here

If you want to allow for arbitrary redefinitions of the coordinate system, you need to go a bit more complicated.

\newcommand{\CopyPointToTkz}[2]{\path (#1);
    \node at (A){A};
    \draw[name path=line1] (A) -- (4,2);
    \draw[name path=line2] (2,0) -- (2,4);
    \fill[name intersections={of=line1 and line2, by={B}}] (B) circle (2pt);
    \node at (CopyOfB){B};

enter image description here

It's possible with intern macros from tkz-euclide (page 128 of the new documentation 3.05 Miscellaneous tools)


    \node at (A){A};
    \draw[name path=line1] (A) -- (4,2);
    \draw[name path=line2] (2,0) -- (2,4);
    \fill[name intersections={of=line1 and line2, by={B}}] (B) circle (2pt);

enter image description here