Regular Expression to Match " | "

I came up with \s\|\s which in Java would be expressed as "\\s\\|\\s". I don't know if this is the best one though. I don't need anything hardcore, just something that works, and this seems to :)

Sorry for answering my own question, I guess after typing it out it helped me think.

Here is a code snippet that parses a string (or a whole File, Scanner accepts both), and extracts the number and name from each line :

String s = 
    "1 | Mr John Doe\n" + 
    "2 | Ms Jane Doe\n" + 
    "3 | Jackie Chan\n";

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d+) \\| ((\\w|\\s)+)");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(s);
while (scan.findInLine(pattern) != null) {
    MatchResult match = scan.match();

    // Do whatever appropriate with the results
    System.out.printf("N° %d is %s %n", Integer.valueOf(,;

    if (scan.hasNextLine()) {

This code snippet produces the following result :

N° 1 is Mr John Doe
N° 2 is Ms Jane Doe
N° 3 is Jackie Chan

" \| " 

would work, you need to escape quotes and the |