How do I test Prism event aggregator subscriptions, on the UIThread?

I really think you should use mocks for everything and not the EventAggregator. It's not hard to mock at all... I don't think the linked answer proves much of anything about the testability of the EventAggregator.

Here's your test. I don't use MSpec, but here's the test in Moq. You didn't provide any code, so I'm basing it on the linked-to code. Your scenario is a little harder than the linked scenario because the other OP just wanted to know how to verify that Subscribe was being called, but you actually want to call the method that was passed in the subscribe... something more difficult, but not very.

Mock<IEventAggregator> eventAggregatorMock = new Mock<IEventAggregator>();
Mock<PlantTreeNodeSelectedEvent> eventBeingListenedTo = new Mock<PlantTreeNodeSelectedEvent>();

Action<int> theActionPassed = null;
//When the Subscribe method is called, we are taking the passed in value
//And saving it to the local variable theActionPassed so we can call it.
eventBeingListenedTo.Setup(theEvent => theEvent.Subscribe(It.IsAny<Action<int>>()))
                    .Callback<Action<int>>(action => theActionPassed = action);

eventAggregatorMock.Setup(e => e.GetEvent<PlantTreeNodeSelectedEvent>())

//Initialize the controller to be tested.
PlantTreeController controllerToTest = new PlantTreeController(eventAggregatorMock.Object);


Assert.IsTrue(controllerToTest.MyValue == 3);

If you mock both the event and the Event Aggregator, and use moq's Callback, you can do it.

Here's an example:

Mock<IEventAggregator> mockEventAggregator;
Mock<MyEvent> mockEvent;

mockEventAggregator.Setup(e => e.GetEvent<MyEvent>()).Returns(mockEvent.Object);

// Get a copy of the callback so we can "Publish" the data
Action<MyEventArgs> callback = null;

    p =>
        .Callback<Action<MyEventArgs>, ThreadOption, bool, Predicate<MyEventArgs>>(
        (e, t, b, a) => callback = e);

// Do what you need to do to get it to subscribe

// Callback should now contain the callback to your event handler
// Which will allow you to invoke the callback on the test's thread
// instead of the UI thread
callback.Invoke(new MyEventArgs(someObject));

// Assert