Refused to execute script, strict MIME type checking is enabled?

You have a <script> element that is trying to load some external JavaScript.

The URL you have given it points to a JSON file and not a JavaScript program.

The server is correctly reporting that it is JSON so the browser is aborting with that error message instead of trying to execute the JSON as JavaScript (which would throw an error).

Odds are that the underlying reason for this is that you are trying to make an Ajax request, have hit a cross origin error and have tried to fix it by telling jQuery that you are using JSONP. This only works if the URL provides JSONP (which is a different subset of JavaScript), which this one doesn't.

The same URL with the additional query string parameter callback=the_name_of_your_callback_function does return JavaScript though.

Try to use express.static() if you are using Node.js.

You simply need to pass the name of the directory where you keep your static assets, to the express.static middleware to start serving the files directly. For example, if you keep your images, CSS, and JavaScript files in a directory named public, you can do as below −

i.e. : app.use(express.static('public'));

This approach resolved my issue.


In my case it was a file not found, I typed the path to the javascript file incorrectly.

This result is the first that pops-up in google, and is more broad than what's happening here. The following will apply to an express server:

I was trying to access resources from a nested folder.

Inside index.html i had

<script src="./script.js"></script>

The static route was mounted at :


But the script.js is located in the nested folder as in: js/myStaticApp/script.js refused to execute script, meme type checking is enabled. I just changed the static route to:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "js")));

Now it works :)