swift 3 filter array of dictionaries by string value of key in dictionary

Sort array of dictionary using the following way

var dict:[[String:AnyObject]] = sortedArray.filter{($0["parentId"] as! String) == "compareId"}

The filter function loops over every item in a collection, and returns a collection containing only items that satisfy an include condition.

We can get single object from this array of dictionary , you can use the following code

var dict = sortedArray.filter{($0["parentId"] as! String) == "compareId"}.first


 let dict = sortedArray.filter{ ($0["parentId"] as! String) == "compareId" }.first

I hope I understood what you were asking. You mention an "array of dictionaries" but you don't actually have an array of dictionaries anywhere in the code you've posted.

As far as I can tell, you are asking how to find all the entries in the found array for which itemName equals the filterItemName property.

If so, all you should need to do is:

let foundItems = found.filter { $0.itemName == filterItemName }

That's it.

Some other ideas:

If you want to search for items where filterItemName is contained in the itemName, you could do something like this:

let foundItems = found.filter { $0.itemName.contains(filterItemName) }

You could also make use of the lowercased() function if you want to do case-insensitive search.

You could also return properties of your found elements into an array:

let foundIds = found.filter { $0.itemName == filterItemName }.map { $0.itemId }