React, Using Refs to scrollIntoView() doen't work on componentDidUpdate()

Ok it's been a while but I got it working in another project without the setTimeOut function so I wanted to answer this question. Since Redux pass the new updates through props, I used the componentWillRecieveProps() method instead of componentDidUpdate() , this allowes you a better control over the updated properties and works as expected with the scrollIntoView() function.

class PhotoContainer extends React.Component {

  componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
    if (
      this.props.navigation.sectionSelected !==
        newProps.navigation.sectionSelected &&
      newProps.navigation.sectionSelected !== ""
    ) {

    var scrolling = this[section]; //section would be 'theDiv' in this example
    scrolling.scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" });//corrected typo

  render() {
    const totalList = [];
    for(let i = 0; i < 300; i += 1) {
            <div key={i}>{`hello ${i}`}</div>

    return (
      <div >
          <div ref={(el) => this.theDiv = el}>
            this is the div I am trying to scroll to