Contenteditable allow numbers only for editing?

Why not just use an input?

 <input type="number">

If you still want to use contenteditable, you can add an event listener like so:

$("#myeditablediv").keypress(function(e) {
    if (isNaN(String.fromCharCode(e.which))) e.preventDefault();

This will block all characters that are not numbers (0-9)


This will allow only numbers

$('[contenteditable="true"]').keypress(function(e) {
    var x = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
    if (isNaN(String.fromCharCode(e.which)) && x!=46 || x===32 || x===13 || (x===46 && event.currentTarget.innerText.includes('.'))) e.preventDefault();

I have also tested decimals. There are three major conditions to get allowed

  • Is a Number and Not delete button
  • Not Space
  • Not Enter Button
  • Allow Decimal point only once

Let me know if you face any bug in comments

Thank you

If you want to enter only 0-9 in contenteditable div then you can use this code. This code also prevent user to copy paste into the field

<div contenteditable id="myeditablediv"  oncopy="return false" oncut="return false" onpaste="return false">10</div>


$("#myeditablediv").keypress(function(e) {
        if (isNaN(String.fromCharCode(e.which))) e.preventDefault();

if you want to enter decimal points instead of a number then you can use this javascript code

 $("#myeditablediv").keypress(function(e) {
        var x = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
        if (isNaN(String.fromCharCode(e.which)) && x!=46) e.preventDefault();