React & TypeScript: Avoid context default value

Note from the react documentation:

The defaultValue argument is only used when a component does not have a matching Provider above it in the tree.

The way I prefer to do it is by actually specifying that the default value can be undefined

const TodoContext = React.createContext<ITodoContext | undefined>(undefined)

And then, in order to use the context, I create a hook that does the check for me:

function useTodoContext() {
  const context = useContext(TodoContext)
  if (context === undefined) {
    throw new Error("useTodoContext must be within TodoProvider")

  return context

Why I like this approach? It is immediately giving me feedback on why my context value is undefined.

For further reference, have a look at this blog post by Kent C. Dodds

There's no way of avoiding declaring the interface and the runtime values, because TS's types disappear at runtime, so you're only left with the runtime values. You can't generate one from the other.

However if you know that you are only ever going to access the context within the TodoContextProvider component you can avoid initialising TodoContext by cheating a little bit and just telling TS that what you're passing it is fine.

const TodoContext = React.createContext<TodoContext>({} as TodoContext)

If you do always make sure to only access the context inside of TodoContextProvider where todos and setTodos are created with useState then you can safely skip initialising TodoContext inside of createContext because that initial value will never actually be accessed.