standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"?

The "shebang" line at the start of a script says what interpreter to use to run it. In your case, your script has specified #!/bin/bash, but Alpine-based Docker images don't typically include GNU bash; instead, they have a more minimal /bin/sh that includes just the functionality in the POSIX shell specification.

Your script isn't using any of the non-standard bash extensions, so you can just change the start of the script to


This can also happen if the line endings of the script is wrong, i.e. \r\n instead of \r

this can be checked using the file path/to/ command which tells if the script has CR-LF line endings

If its a one off script dos2unix can be used to change it to \r\n to \n

If its a git repository setting the autocrlf option to input would work

How to change line-ending settings