React Native Ios Error - ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_cwd (null))

I had the same issue while building a node module and trying that in the test app. I solved it by closing and restarting the metro bundler.

The other methods I tried (but did not work for me):

  1. react-native upgrade
  2. unlink and link the module
  3. uninstalling the package and reinstalling.

Hope it was helpful! Cheers!

I had a similar issue and solved by switching to another directory (a non-npm project) and updating my global npm from there:

sudo npm install -g npm

then I switched back to the project and re-install the dependencies with npm install.

Seems to be an issue with the metro-bundler task. Check your terminal tabs to see if any are open from a previous project.

Metro Bundler Task in Terminal

Control + C to end it. If you know the port it was running on, you can check the port and kill the tasks from there.

ex. sudo lsof -i :8080

Find the PID and kill it with kill -9 PID_NUMBER.

Then go back to your root project directory and run npm start to start a new Metro Bundler.

I just encountered this. I had multiple tabs open in my terminal, including one that had cdd into a now-deleted copy of my project directory.

In other words, i'd deleted the directory in a different tab and re-cloned it from Github. The other terminal tab was stuck in a 'ghost' directory.

cd out of it and back in and you should be fine.