WordPress get_template_part pass variable

you can pass data to tempalte part via Global varible

like this $var = 'smoe data here';

<?php get_template_part( 'element-templates/front', 'top' ); ?>

then in your template part file use

global $var; 
echo $var; // smoe data here

The core get_template_part() function doesn't support the passing of variables. It only accepts two parameters, slug and name. While there is no built-in solution to this problem, the best approach is to create a function that closely mimics get_template_part() to handle it.

Normally I would create a function that just takes the name of the template file and the variables I want to pass in as an array. In your example however, you're using both arguments for get_template_part() already which means you'll need a slightly more complex function. I'm going to post both versions below.

Simplified Version - Name (slug) and Data

function wpse_get_partial($template_name, $data = []) {
    $template = locate_template($template_name . '.php', false);

    if (!$template) {

    if ($data) {


Usage example: wpse_get_partial('header-promotion', ['message' => 'Example message']);

This would load up a file named header-promotion.php with $message available inside of it. Since the second parameter is an array, you can pass in as many variables as you need.

Copy of get_template_part - adding a third parameter

If you don't need both $slug and $name when you call get_template_part(), you probably want the simplified version. For those that do, here's the more complex option.

function wpse_get_template_part($slug, $name = null, $data = []) {
    // here we're copying more of what get_template_part is doing.
    $templates = [];
    $name = (string) $name;

    if ('' !== $name) {
        $templates[] = "{$slug}-{$name}.php";

    $templates[] = "{$slug}.php";

    $template = locate_template($templates, false);

    if (!$template) {

    if ($data) {


Usage example: wpse_get_template_part('header-promotion', 'top', [$message => 'Example message']);

Neither function is a perfect copy of get_template_part(). I've skipped all of the extra filters the core function uses for the sake of simplicity.

What about globals or query vars

  • Globals are pretty commonplace in WordPress but are generally best avoided. They will work but start to get messy when you use the same template part more than once on a single page.
  • Query vars (get_query_var() / set_query_var()) aren't made for that purpose. It's a hacky workaround that can introduce unintended side-effects.

Using WordPress 5.5+

As of WordPress 5.5, passing variables via get_template_part is part of core.

Starting in WordPress 5.5, the template loading functions will now allow additional arguments to be passed through to the matched template file using a new $args parameter.

get_template_part( string $slug, string $name = null, array $args = null  )


  get_template_part( 'template-parts/featured-image', null,
     'class' => 'featured-home',
     'data'  => array(
       'size' => 'large',
       'is-active' => true,

and then in the included file (i.e. template-parts/featured-image.php), you can either just display the variables (as per above example):

    if ( $args['class'] ) {
      echo $args['class'];


echo $args['data']['size'];

Alternatively, setup defaults first, using wp_parse_args:

// Setup defaults
$array_defaults = array( 
    'class' => 'featured',
    'data' => array(
        'size' => 'medium',
        'is-active' => false,
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $array_defaults );

<div class="widget <?php echo esc_html( $args['class'] ); ?>">
        <?php echo esc_html( $args['data']['size'] ); ?>

To be backwards compatible in your theme, you should probably also check the current WordPress version.

Using set_query_vars

The original answer to this question was to use set_query_var

In your theme:

set_query_var( 'my_var_name', 'my_var_value' );
get_template_part( 'template-parts/contact' );

In the template part:

$newValue = get_query_var( 'my_var_name' );
if ( $newValue ) {
  // do something