Qt: construct a mutable iterator for template (maps, lists, sets, ...)

You can define a traits template, and partially specialise for the appropriate containers

template <typename Container> struct q_container_traits;

template <typename T> struct q_container_traits<QList<T>>
    using mutable_iterator = QMutableListIterator<T>;
    using const_iterator = QListIterator<T>;

template <typename Key, typename Value> struct q_container_traits<QMap<Key, Value>>
    using mutable_iterator = QMutableMapIterator<Key, Value>;
    using const_iterator = QMapIterator<Key, Value>;

// etc

You then use q_container_traits<T> in your function.

template <typename T>
void removeX(T & container)
    typename q_container_traits<T>::mutable_iterator it(container);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        if (it.value() == "X") it.remove();