Python popen command. Wait until the command is finished

You can you use subprocess to achieve this.

import subprocess

#This command could have multiple commands separated by a new line \n
some_command = "export PATH=$PATH:// \n customupload abc.txt"

p = subprocess.Popen(some_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

(output, err) = p.communicate()  

#This makes the wait possible
p_status = p.wait()

#This will give you the output of the command being executed
print "Command output: " + output

Force popen to not continue until all output is read by doing:


Depending on how you want to work your script you have two options. If you want the commands to block and not do anything while it is executing, you can just use

#start and block until done[data["om_points"], ">", diz['d']+"/points.xml"])

If you want to do things while it is executing or feed things into stdin, you can use communicate after the popen call.

#start and process things, then wait
p = subprocess.Popen([data["om_points"], ">", diz['d']+"/points.xml"])
print "Happens while running"
p.communicate() #now wait plus that you can send commands to process

As stated in the documentation, wait can deadlock, so communicate is advisable.

Let the command you are trying to pass be


then you covert it to a statement

t = os.system('x')

now the python will be waiting for the output from the commandline so that it could be assigned to the variable t.