Python Mock Patch multiple methods in a class

After some testing I was able to find the issue.

In the second test case, the patch decorator creates a new instance of a Mock class and passes it via mock_hook argument to test_execute2 function. Lets refer to this as mock1. mock1 replaces the Hook class in When self.hook = Hook() is run, it translates to calling __init__ of mock1. By design this returns yet another Mock instance - lets refer to this as mock2. So self.hook points to mock2. But mock_hook.get_key = mock.Mock(return_value="New_Key"), mocks the methods in mock1.

In order to mock correctly, mock2 needs to be patched. This can be done in 2 ways

  1. By mocking the return_value of mock1 (which returns mock2) mock_hook.return_value.get_key = mock.Mock(return_value="New_Key")
  2. Mocking the return value of constructor of mock1 (which returns mock2) mock_hook().get_key = mock.Mock(return_value="New_Key")

Under the wraps both options really do the same thing.

What you need to is:

mock the class Hook,

from HookTransfer import HookTransfer
from Hook import Hook

import unittest
    import mock
except ImportError:
    from unittest import mock

class TestMock(unittest.TestCase):
    @mock.patch.object(Hook, 'get_key', return_value="New_Key")
    @mock.patch.object(Hook, 'get_value', return_value="New_Value")
    def test_execute1(self, mock_get_value, mock_get_key):

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can patch multiple methods of a module or a class using patch.multiple(). Something like this should work for your case:

import unittest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch

class TestMock(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_execute1(self, **mocks):

When patch.multiple() is used as a decorator, the mocks are passed into the decorated function by keyword, and a dictionary is returned when it's used as a context manager.