Javascript multiple condition array filter

// You wrote that it's an array, so changed the braces 
var filtercondition = ["p",

var filtered = data.filter(o => {
    if(filtercondition[0] && !o.category.includes(filtercondition[o])) { // checking just the category, but you can check if any of more fields contains the conditions 
        return false;
    if(filtercondition[1]) {
        for(var key in filtercondition[1]) {
        if(filtercondition[1][key] === true && o.acct != key) {
            return false;
    if(filtercondition[2] && o.transdate < filtercondition[2]) {
        return false;
    if(filtercondition[3] && o.transdate > filtercondition[3]) {
        return false;
    if(filtercondition[4] && o.category !== filtercondition[4]) {
        return false;

    return true;

Two notes: - changed the braces of filtercondition so that it is an array, however I would suggest to use an object instead. - this {acct1:true,acct2:false,acct3:true...} sample doesn't make sense for me, since it suggests that the acct field should be acct1 and acct3 at the same time.

First, you'll want to use brackets for your array not curly braces:

var filtercondition = [

Then again, I don't think that an array is the best data type for that. Try an object like this:

var filtercondition = {
    query: "p",
    accounts: {acct1:true,acct2:false,acct3:true...},
    date1: "2016-06-01",
    date2: "2016-11-30",
    category: "category3"

Then, try using Array.prototype.filter:

var filtered = data.filter(function(obj) {
    for (var key in filtercondition) {
        // if condition not met return false
    return true;

Create an array of functions, each function representing a condition.

Here's some sample code which demonstrates the approach...

 var conditions = [];

 // Dynamically build the list of conditions
 if(startDateFilter) {
    conditions.push(function(item) { 
       return item.transdate >= startDateFilter.startDate;

 if(categoryFilter) {
     conditions.push(function(item) {
         return item.cateogry === categoryFilter.category;
 // etc etc

Once you have an array of conditions, you can use Array.prototype.every to run each condition on an item.

 var itemsMatchingCondition = data.filter(function(d) {
     return conditions.every(function(c) {
         return c(d);