Python how to remove last comma from print(string, end=“, ”)

You could build a list of strings in your for loop and print afterword using join:

strings = []

for ...:
   # some work to generate string

print(', '.join(strings))

alternatively, if your something has a well-defined length (i.e you can len(something)), you can select the string terminator differently in the end case:

for i, x in enumerate(something):
   #some operation to generate string

   if i < len(something) - 1:
      print(string, end=', ')

UPDATE based on real example code:

Taking this piece of your code:

value = input("")
string = ""
for unit_value in value.split(", "):
    if unit_value.split(' ', 1)[0] == "negative":
        neg_value = unit_value.split(' ', 1)[1]
        string = "-" + str(challenge1(neg_value.lower()))
        string = str(challenge1(unit_value.lower()))

    print(string, end=", ")

and following the first suggestion above, I get:

value = input("")
string = ""
strings = []
for unit_value in value.split(", "):
    if unit_value.split(' ', 1)[0] == "negative":
        neg_value = unit_value.split(' ', 1)[1]
        string = "-" + str(challenge1(neg_value.lower()))
        string = str(challenge1(unit_value.lower()))


print(', '.join(strings))

If you can first construct a list of strings, you can then use sequence unpacking within print and use sep instead of end:

strings = ['5', '66', '777']

print(*strings, sep=', ')

5, 66, 777