Print the total length of all "quoted" characters

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 36 bytesSBCS

Full program. Prompts for input from stdin.


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t←⍬ set up an accumulator t (for total)

⍞⊣ discard that in favour of string input from stdin (symbol: quote in console)

{}⍣≡ apply the following anonymous lambda until stable (fix-point; previous ≡ next)

⊢⍵ on the argument

 …⎕S'\2' PCRE Search for the following, returning group 2 for each match:

  (.) any character (we'll call this group 1)
  (.*?) as few characters as possible (we'll call this group 2)
  \1 the group 1 character

t,← update t by append that to t's current value

t⊣ discard that (the final list of no matches) in favour of t

 count the number of characters in that

JavaScript (ES6), 64 bytes


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f = (                       // f is a recursive function taking either the input string
                            // or an array of characters, split into
  [c, ...a],                // c = next character and a[] = all remaining characters
  i = a.indexOf(c)          // i = index of the 1st occurrence of c in a[] (-1 if not found)
) =>                        //
  c ?                       // if c is defined:
    ( ~i &&                 //   if i is not equal to -1:
      i +                   //     add i to the final result
      f(a.splice(0, i + 1)) //     remove the left part of a[] up to i (included) and
    )                       //     do a recursive call on it
    + f(a)                  //   add the result of a recursive call on a[]
  :                         // else:
    0                       //   stop recursion

Brain-Flak, 100 bytes


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# Loop over each character in input and sum iterations:

  # Evaluate matching quote search as zero

    # Move opening "quote" to right stack

    # Until match or end of search string found:
    # Note that the character to search for is stored as the sum of the top two entries in the right stack.



          # Character to search for

          # Subtract and move next character

        # Push difference twice

        # Add 1 to evaluation of this loop

        # If no match, cancel out both 1 and pushed difference to evaluate iteration as zero (keep one copy of difference for next iteration)
        # (compare to the standard "not" snippet, ((){[()](<{}>)}{}) )
        # Then move to other stack

        # If a match was found, this will instead pop a single zero and leave a zero to terminate the loop, evaluating this iteration as 0+1=1.

      # Push 1 if match found, 0 otherwise

      # If match found, move to left stack and push 0 denote end of "quoted" area.

    # Push the same 1 or 0 as before

    # Remove representation of opening "quote" searched for
    # The closing quote is *not* removed if there is a match, but this is not a problem because it will never match anything.


  # Move searched text back to left stack, evaluating each iteration as either the 1 or 0 from before.
  # This counts characters enclosed in "quotes" if a match is found, and evaluates as 0 otherwise.

  # Remove 0/1 from stack; if 1, cancel out the 1 added by the closing "quote"

# Repeat until two consecutive zeroes show up, denoting the end of the stack.
# (Because closing quotes are not removed, it can be shown that all other zeroes are isolated on the stack.)