Print function in Chrome no longer working

The button and the really have nothing to do with your problem.

The problem is, Chrome is looking for user input before it prints. Window.print() opens the print dialog window, but Chrome isn't waiting for you to finish printing. The window.close() is closing the print dialog window and everything else in the parent.

In an effort to save you time, be aware that the OnAfterPrint hook isn't used by Chrome at all. I also tried putting window.close() in the onLoad and window.print() in the onBeforeUnload, but the print dialog cancels the window.close(). The next best thing would be to do something like:

//In your profile print page
var is_chrome = function () { return Boolean(; }
   setTimeout(function(){window.close();}, 10000); 
   //give them 10 seconds to print, then close

<body onLoad="loadHandler();">

I haven't tested this, but I think it demonstrates the idea fairly effectively.

I found this solution and it really works:

<body onload="window.print();window.onmouseover = function() { self.close(); } ">