Firefox is not adhering to the 'disabled' attribute for rel=stylesheet links

I found a workaround that seems to be functional in all browsers. This does NOT seem like it should be the best way to do it but I wanted to share.

This is not ideal for a few reasons but I tried to make it streamlined and without any external library dependency like jQuery because this needs to be placed in your head tag and you probably have not loaded your JS libraries at that point.

    window.onload = function() {
        var path  = "css";
        var style   = document.createElement( 'link' );
        style.rel   = 'stylesheet';
        style.href   = '/your/css/url.css';
        document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( style );
        style.disabled = true;

NOTE: Firefox seems to only respond to the disabled tag if it is applied to the stylesheet after it has been added to the DOM. I still feel like I'm missing something because that seems crazy.

So, if you were to put style.disabled = true; before you add the style to your document then Firefox does not recognize the disabled state of the stylesheet.

This is fixed in Firefox 68. You can now set the disabled attribute on <link> elements that also contain the ref=stylesheet attribute value. This will prevent the browser from loading that stylesheet until the disabled attribute is set to false or removed via JavaScript or some other method.

This brings Firefox in line with Chrome, Edge, Safari on support for this feature.

More info on MDN:

Bugzilla report: