Print a postgresql table to standard output in python

That \N is the default textual representation of a null value. It can be changed with the null parameter of copy_to

To have the headers in the output use copy_expert

copy = "copy mytable to stdout with csv header delimiter '\t' null 'NULL'"
cursor.copy_expert(copy, sys.stdout)

don't have a postgress table handy to test this but does this work for you?

import psycopg2 as pg
import pandas as pd
import as psql

connection = pg.connect("dbname=postgres user=postgres password=psswd")
#my_table   = pd.read_sql_table('table_name', connection)
my_table    = pd.read_sql('select * from my-table-name', connection)
another_attempt= psql.read_sql("SELECT * FROM my-table-name", connection)


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