ESLint - Component should be written as a pure function (react prefer/stateless function)

Two choices.

Temporarily disable warning

(Untested; and there are multiple ways to do this.)

// eslint-disable-next-line react/prefer-stateless-function
export class myComponent extends React.Component {

Use a pure stateless component

The return value is what will be rendered (e.g., you're basically writing class-based component's render method:

export const myComponent = () => {
  return (
    // JSX here

(Or use non-ES6 notation if that's your thing.)

For components like this with no other supporting logic I prefer the implicit return, e.g.,

export MyComponent = () =>
    // Stuff here

This is a matter of preference. I would say that you should follow React naming conventions, though, and keep all components starting with an upper-case letter.

ESLint may complain about missing parens around a multi-line JSX expressions, so disable that rule or use parens.

If you need props, they're passed in as the argument to the function:

const MyComponent = (props) =>
    <Something someProp={} />

export MyComponent

And you can destructure in the parameter as usual for convenience:

const MyComponent = ({ foo }) =>
    <Something someProp={foo} />

This can make the implicit return a little easier if you were using local vars. You'll get an ESLint warning about missing PropTypes unless you declare them; since it's not a class you cannot simply use static propTypes in the class, they must be attached to the function (which many people prefer anyway).

Add constructor() like:

exports class myComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {};
  render() {
    return (

Write your component as a stateless function:

export myComponent = () => { //stuff here };

There are actually two styles of defining components in React: Functional components (which are just functions from props to a React component) and class components.

The main difference between them is that class components can have state and lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.

Whenever you don't need state of lifecycle methods, you should write your component as a stateless function, as stateless components are in general easier to reason about.

To write a functional component, you write a function that takes a single argument. This argument will receive the component's props. Consequently, you don't use this.props to access the component's props - you just use the function's argument.