PostgreSQL how to find any changes in the last n-minutes

You can use a trigger based approach described here:

Essentially every table change fires a trigger which can write some info in a log table.

Postgresql, find changes in the last n minutes:

Postgresql does not automatically store the date or time that rows were added/updated/deleted (it would really slow things down to handle timestamps like this if you didn't want it to).

You'll have to do it yourself: Add a timestamp column to the table. When you insert a row into the table, have it update the timestamp column to the current_timestamp. When you are selecting the row, use a select statement that filters down where timestamp is greater than N minutes ago as follows:

Get rows where a timestamp is greater than a date:

SELECT * from yourtable 
WHERE your_timestamp_field > to_date('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY');

Get rows that have been changed in the last n minutes:

SELECT * from yourtable 
WHERE your_timestamp_field > current_timestamp - interval '5 minutes'

Walkthrough example

drop table foo; 
    msg character varying(20), 
    created_date date, 
    edited_date timestamp 
insert into foo values( 'splog adfarm coins', '2015-01-01', current_timestamp);
insert into foo values( 'execute order 2/3', '2020-03-15', current_timestamp);
insert into foo values( 'deploy wessels', '2038-03-15', current_timestamp);
select * from foo where created_date < to_date('2020-05-05', 'YYYY-mm-DD'); 
    │        msg         │ created_date │        edited_date         │ 
    │ splog adfarm coins │ 2015-01-01   │ 2020-12-29 11:46:27.968162 │ 
    │ execute order 2/3  │ 2020-03-15   │ 2020-12-29 11:46:27.96918  │ 
select * from foo where edited_date > to_timestamp(
    '2020-12-29 11:42:37.719412', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24_MI_SS.US'); 
    │        msg         │ created_date │        edited_date         │ 
    │ execute order 2/3  │ 2020-03-15   │ 2020-12-29 11:46:27.96918  │ 
    │ deploy wessels     │ 2038-03-15   │ 2020-12-29 11:46:27.969988 │ 