SCSS file not compiling anymore

I experienced a similar issue, but using Sass with Compass. Luckily I managed to solve the problem by running the compass clean command which removes the .sass-cache files and the compiled .css files. Then just run the compass --watch command again. Hope this might help someone else.

Admittedly this was very stupid of me, but it did happen to be the problem I had when stumbling upon this stackoverflow Q&A.

This was the simple answer to my very simple problem:

Make sure you're @importing the file in your main style.scss file.

Clearly not the answer to your very complex problem, but it may help some newbie who was in a similar position to me!

I found the problem: One of the .scss files in my /scss folder was causing Sass to stop compiling.

The "problematic" file was an old copy of the project's main .scss file, but when I compared that old version with the latest version, I only see a handful of differences in terms of properties, values and a media query at the bottom of the code.

Other than that, both, the "problematic" and "correct/working" files are pretty much 98% exactly the same.

Read a more extensive answer in the project's issues list in GitHub:

