Placing a figure inside a multirow table cell

A workaround I've just seen possible, without modifying the graphics, is this:

  • Include package bigstrut
  • Use the other parameters of multirow:
    • bigstruts: value 2.
    • fixup: value 2mm
  • Add a call of \bigstrut for each row being spanned.
  • Increasing \arraystretch to 3.

The code for the main tex file is this:




    Sections & Axis & Imperfections\\
    \multirow{2}[2]{*}[2mm]{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{circular_hollow.pdf}} & $y-y$ & $\dfrac{L}{200}$ \bigstrut \\
                                                                              & $z-z$ & $\dfrac{L}{150}$ \bigstrut \\


enter image description here

For those wondering how to put images in tables in general, the salient point is the bracketed fixup after the {*} in \multirow:


For example:


By adjusting the fixup you can avoid Latex's default behavior of putting the image way too low in the table.