Proofs in Beamer

If you are using the proof environment, then I am afraid that there's no automatic way to break the text (allowframebreaks won't work here, since we're dealing with a block).

You can define an environment that behaves as proof, but without using the end-mark; you then can use this new environment for the first frames of the proof and then, use the standard proof environment for the last frame; here's an example of the definition of such environment (which I called proofs) and its ussage:


    \usebeamertemplate{proof begin}#2}
  {\usebeamertemplate{proof end}}



\begin{proofs}[\proofname\ (Cont.)]

\begin{proof}[\proofname\ (Cont.)]


enter image description here

As requested in a comment, I have defined now three new environments: proofs, which uses a block with title given by \insertproofname (default "Proof") and suppresses the end-mark; proofc, which suppresses both the title and the end-mark, and proofe which suppresses the title but adds the end-mark; the first environment is to be used to start the proof, the second one, to continue the proof, and the third one, to end the proof:


    \usebeamertemplate{proof begin}#2}
  {\usebeamertemplate{proof end}}
  \setbeamertemplate{proof begin}{\begin{block}{}}
    \usebeamertemplate{proof begin}}
  {\usebeamertemplate{proof end}}
    \setbeamertemplate{proof begin}{\begin{block}{}}
    \usebeamertemplate{proof begin}}
  {\popQED\usebeamertemplate{proof end}}






One option to solve this is by 'brute force': since there exists the generic block environment for beamer classes, we can do the following:


    Here is the first part of my proof.



    This is where my proof continues, and ends.


Inside the second empty `{}' we can insert anything we would like our block to have as a title, or just leave it empty if we don't want anything there.