Picasso Callback with Kotlin

       .into(imageView, object: com.squareup.picasso.Callback {
                    override fun onSuccess() {
                        //set animations here


                    override fun onError(e: java.lang.Exception?) {
                        //do smth when there is picture loading error

In Latest version onError recives an Exception as parameter and uses get() instead of with() :

  .into(imageView, object :Callback{
   override fun onSuccess() {
   Log.d(TAG, "success")

   override fun onError(e: Exception?) {
   Log.d(TAG, "error")

and On the previous version

   .into(imageView, object: Callback {
                override fun onSuccess() {
                   Log.d(TAG, "success")

                override fun onError() {
                  Log.d(TAG, "error")

Hi here are some different ways that Picasso provides:


2.create a new file inside our utils package, call it picasso.kt and fill it with simple code below:

 public val Context.picasso: Picasso
    get() = Picasso.with(this)

3. While this corresponds to the receiver object we can invoke following code on any Context:

  1. We can go further and extend ImageView class like:

    public fun ImageView.load(path: String, request: (RequestCreator) -> RequestCreator) {
    request(getContext().picasso.load(path)).into(this)    }