How to convert array to string in laravel?

easy way is using json_encode and json_decode php functions.

if you want to store an array in string column you can use:

$adprofile->education = json_encode($array);

and if you want to get that from DB and convert it back to an array use:

$array = json_decode($adprofile->education);

You can use php implode for this or you can also use laravel collection for this. heres the exmaple

collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])->implode('-');

// '1-2-3-4-5'

see documentation for this Implode

or you can use php function implode

see this

$arr = array('Hello','World!','Beautiful','Day!');
echo implode(" ",$arr);
//Hello World! Beautiful Day!

 print_r($request->education); //It is an array print

$str_json = json_encode($request->education); //array to json string conversion
echo  $str_json; // printing json string

print_r(json_decode($str_json)); //printing array after convert json string to array

exit; // exiting further execution to check resutls



