PHP HybridAuth social signin not working at all. Redirecting to ?hauth.start=Facebook&hauth.time

Further to tintinboss's own answer, I found I needed to check for hauth_done as well (this was for an example testing Facebook):

if (isset($_REQUEST['hauth_start']) || isset($_REQUEST['hauth_done']))

This finally got it working - thank you tintinboss for the useful answer!

Alright, I've solved it myself.

As stated before, the documentation was really not good. Here's the solution for anyone who wants to integrate this code in future

Firstly, you have to make your baseurl like this in config.php

"base_url" => "", OR

"base_url" => "",

Note that I'm not using www. Don't know why, but it does not work with www.

Now the tricky part, you have to include this in your index.php file

require_once( "PATH_TO_HYBRID/Auth.php" );
require_once( "PATH_TO_HYBRID/Endpoint.php" ); 

if (isset($_REQUEST['hauth_start']))


The Endpoint Process is what makes you redirect to a blank page if not provided. And you must add it to the index.php as far as I've tested.

Now the code should work fine :) I'll be happy if it helps someone.

@tintinboss and @dJomp answers sorted me out. however I still needed to get info out of the logged in user, which took me long indeed. Here I share the final version that will get you far away from this awful loop.

$config = require 'config.php';
require_once( "Hybrid/Auth.php" );
require_once( "Hybrid/Endpoint.php" );

if (isset($_REQUEST['hauth_start']) || isset($_REQUEST['hauth_done'])) {
} else {
    try {
        $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );
        $google = $hybridauth->authenticate( "Google");
        $user_profile = $google->getUserProfile();

        echo "Hi there! " . $user_profile->email; 
    } catch( Exception $e ){
        echo "Ooophs, we got an error: " . $e->getMessage();