Deserialize a json string to an object in python

>>> j = '{"action": "print", "method": "onData", "data": "Madan Mohan"}'
>>> import json
>>> class Payload(object):
...     def __init__(self, j):
...         self.__dict__ = json.loads(j)
>>> p = Payload(j)
>>> p.action
>>> p.method
'Madan Mohan'

To elaborate on Sami's answer:

From the docs:

class Payload(object):
    def __init__(self, action, method, data):
        self.action = action
        self.method = method = data

import json

def as_payload(dct):
    return Payload(dct['action'], dct['method'], dct['data'])

payload = json.loads(message, object_hook = as_payload)

My objection to the


solution is that while it does the job and is concise, the Payload class becomes totally generic - it doesn't document its fields.

For example, if the Payload message had an unexpected format, instead of throwing a key not found error when the Payload was created, no error would be generated until the payload was used.


