pgfplots raw gnuplot not working because of babel ngerman

The problem is that babel changes the meaning of double quotes ".

Adding \shorthandoff{"} before \addplot will solve the problem. Note that umlaut shothand processing will be disabled until the next following \end{...}.

I have no problem if I add \usetikzlibrary{babel}.





        width=10cm, height=7cm,
        tick label style={font=\large},
        xmin=4675.5, xmax=4676.5,
        axis x line=box,
        axis y line=box,
        xlabel shift=0pt,
        ylabel shift=0pt
    \addplot gnuplot [raw gnuplot, id=test, mark=none]{
    set xrange [4675.5:4676.5];
    set yrange [0.05:0.065];
    plot "samples.dat" using ($1):($2) with lines;



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