LuaLaTeX | Beamer | fontspec | Define a Sans Serif Math Font

I think your best bet is mathastext.

\setsansfont[Scale=0.9]{DejaVu Sans Mono} % no MS Windows, sorry


  Testtext. Testtext. \textbf{Testtext.} Testtext. \textcolor{red}{Testtext.}

    1 + 2 &= x\\
    y(t) &= \int_0^\infty \sin(\alpha) \diff t

  Testtext. Testtext. \textbf{Testtext.} Testtext. \textcolor{red}{Testtext.}


enter image description here

Usually, I use arevmath for sans-serif math in beamer. Also, parts of the iwona fonts are helpful (for sans-serif integrals, for example, though big parentheses look a bit weird in this setup).

%\setsansfont{Consolas} % Should be available on a Windows system
\setsansfont{Fira Sans} % I'm not on Windows, so Fira Sans instead


Testtext. Testtext. \textbf{Testtext.} Testtext. \textcolor{red}{Testtext.}

1 + 2 &= x\\
y(t) &= \int_0^\infty \sin(\alpha) d\text{t}

Testtext. Testtext. \textbf{Testtext.} Testtext. \textcolor{red}{Testtext.}


The result:

enter image description here

As a quick hack, you could use your text font for the "normal" letters in math using the no-math option of fontspec. For all symbols which are not part of your font, the default sans serif ones of beamer will be used.

% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
\setsansfont{Consolas} % Should be available on a Windows system


Testtext. Testtext. \textbf{Testtext.} Testtext. \textcolor{red}{Testtext.}

1 + 2 &= x\\
y(t) &= \int_0^\infty \sin(\alpha) d\text{t}

Testtext. Testtext. \textbf{Testtext.} Testtext. \textcolor{red}{Testtext.}


enter image description here