\pgfmathparse returns a phantom .0.0

From the PGF manual, section 90.2.6, page 942 (version 3.0.0)

This function takes zero, one or two arguments. If there are zero arguments, a uniform random number between 0 and 1 is generated. If there is one argument x, a random integer between 1 and x is generated. Finally, if there are two arguments, a random integer between x and y is generated. If there are no arguments, the PGF command should be called as follows: \pgfmathrandom{}.

What the manual doesn't say is that the arguments should be non negative. Indeed the simple document




that should produce no text, creates the following output

enter image description here

If a random number between –1 and 10 is needed, just use


This is to be considered a bug in the documentation.

I found something about this:

Firstly, pgf treats any calculation result as floating point number:

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{1 + 1};
\draw (\px, \py) circle(2) node[anchor=north west]{\a,\b,\c};

So, this will produce 2.0, -1.0, 1, respectively (-1 is treated as calculating the negative of 1).

Then, passing floating point to random will result in .0 because random only takes the integer part.

Thus, we just use random(int(-10), int(10)), then the .0 disappears.