LaTeX Warning: You have requested document class `ieeeconf', but the document class provides `cssconf'

This is a problem in some versions of the ieeeconf.cls file. On line 664 (on my version) you will find the following line:


Simply correct this to:


And the warning will not appear. Note though that the warning is actually completely benign.

It seems that the files you've got are a revision of the ieeetran document class made for the IEEE Control Systems Society by Pradeep Misra in 2004 which can be found at their websites, e.g. the Conference Manuscript Management and Registration System and ITSC 2014.

The following lines produces the error:

\ProvidesClass{cssconf}[2004/1/15 revision V1.6b by Pradeep Misra]
%\ProvidesClass{IEEEtran}[2002/11/18 revision V1.6b by Michael Shell]

The document class name is renamed but not the filename itself.

The original ieeetran document class is quite newer (2012/12/27 V1.8 by Michael Shell).You'll maybe try this one, too.