Palatino displays wrong opening quotes

With a minimal example like:


I'm getting the following results:

With the standard font:


With [sc]{mathpazo}:


As you can see the lines of the quotes point in the same direction in both cases (opening quotes point to the upper right and the closing quotes to the lower left corner) and the opening and closing quotes are different. However with mathpazo they are much similar as with the standard computer modern.

If this is the same result you are getting I guess this is by design with this font and not incorrect. I don't think you can replace just the quotation characters of a font, so if you don't like them you have to use another font.

If you get something different, please post a minimal example (or refer to mine) and post links to the result like I did.

Please no! There is no "fixing" here — this is the design of the font. All Palatino-based fonts use this design and to switch just the quotation marks is to some degree a heresy.

Having said that, the Microsoft Palatino knockoff Book Antiqua has a similar look to Palatino but with more convention quotation marks. I don't recommend it, but it might be worth a look.