Label equation with a symbol

Perhaps something like this.

\usepackage{mathtools}   % loads »amsmath«


With amsmath, you have two similar commands:

  • \tag{label} where label can be any text or symbol. Note, for most symbol mathmode is required, for example: \tag{$\star$}. Here the label would be typeset within parentheses.

  • \tag*{label}, in contrast, does not add parentheses, otherwise it works similar to \tag.

For further information have a look at the amsmath user's guide.

In addition to the answers about how to \tag equations with symbols, there are a number of packages that give you access to a bunch more symbols. Like pifont, ifsym, MarvoSym, bbding See p. 71 et seq. of the Comprehensive LaTeX symbols list for details.

For example:

E=mc^2 \label{eq:einstein} \tag{\ding{37}}
As we can see from \eqref{eq:einstein}\ldots


pifont image