Package Algorithmic in French

The package defines all the fixed text words using simple macros that you can redefine with \renewcommand so for example

\newcommand{\algorithmicelsif}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendif}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
\newcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for all}}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendfor}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor}

if you change \newcommand to \renewcommand and change the English words to French to redefine these commands after loading the package it should all work I think.

Pour avoir “algorithme” au lieu de “algorithm” et “Liste des algorithmes” au lieu de “List of algorithms”, ajouter juste french comme option dans use packages comme suit:

In order to get “algorithme” in place of “algorithm” and “Liste des algorithmes” in place of “List of algorithms”, just add french as option for the package as follows:

\usepackage[lined,boxed,commentsnumbered, ruled,vlined,linesnumbered, french]{algorithm2e}



My humble contribution to the French translation (thanks @David-Carlisle):

\renewcommand{\listalgorithmname}{Liste des algorithmes}
\renewcommand{\Not}{\textbf{non}\ }
\renewcommand{\And}{\textbf{et}\ }
\renewcommand{\Or}{\textbf{ou}\ }
\renewcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{pour tout}}
\renewcommand{\algorithmicwhile}{\textbf{tant que}}
\newcommand{\algorithmicelsif}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendif}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendfor}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor}

