Output: Calendar Month (without native calendar generating functions)

Ruby, 170 168 characters

d=Date.new g/100,g%100
puts'Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su'
56.times{|i|$><<"#{l[i].to_s.rjust 2} #{?\n if i%7>5}"}

Bugfix: didn't require the neccessary library (+16) used julian date modulo 7 instead of current week day directly (-3)
used /100 and %100 to parse date instead of regex (-13). Taken from LegoStormtroopr's answer.
removed the parentheses around the argument to rjust and Date.new(-2)

Python 2.7 - 152

Unfortunately it fails for September 1752. Granted, it imports all of the calender functions, but only uses 1, and that just returns the start day of the week and the number of days.

from calendar import*
print" Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su\n"+"   "*w+''.join(["%3d"%s+"\n"*((s+w)%7<1)for s in range(1,l+1)])

Relatively standard code, but this is my favourite bit:


It prints the new line using string multiplication, if the number of the current day and start day of the week is Sunday (e.g. 7) as the boolean is cast to an integer.

This saves a character on the more intuitive x%7==0 by using x%7<1 instead.

Test output:

> 198210
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
             1  2  3
 4  5  6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Mathematica 203

c@n_:=" "~ Table ~{n};


g[{2013, 12}]
g[{2014, 1}]
g[{2014, 2}]
